Buck perfecting his stroke for his next trip to the nearest golf course fairway and greens.

Deer can cause significant damage on a golf course or public property

Turf damage: Deer can cause significant damage to golf course greens, fairways, and roughs by grazing on grass and other vegetation.

Soil erosion: Deer can create pathways and increase soil erosion through their repeated use of trails and their hooves.

Landscaping damage: Deer can damage trees, shrubs, and flowers through browsing and rubbing.

Pesticide contamination: The presence of deer can lead to increased pesticide use, which can result in contamination of water sources and harm to other wildlife.

Reduced playing time: The presence of deer on golf courses can result in reduced playing time due to safety concerns and the need for golfers to avoid the animals.

Financial costs: Repairing damage caused by deer and controlling their populations can be expensive, and may result in additional costs such as increased pesticide use and the need to hire additional staff.

The disadvantages of deer in public parks and commercial properties include: